LOCAL: Brands, Businesses + Entrepreneurs | #02 | Caffe Cocina
Kitsap is full of incredible brands, businesses and entrepreneurs who make shopping for unique items in Kitsap a fun adventure.
Caffe Cocina
Eric Mahler, co-Owner
580 NW Finn Hill Rd + 18990 Front St NE, Poulsbo
Photos by the insanely talented (and local) photographer Brittany Kelley @brittanykelleyphoto and provided by Caffe Cocina.
About Eric
What was your first job?
“I mowed lawns in our neighborhood until I was able to be hired. One of my neighbors managed the Safeway in Silverdale.”
Where do you draw inspiration/creativity in your life?
“I look for people who are passionate about their craft. I look for the WOW moments. I know everything that gets put out to the public has our name on it and I’m responsible for that presentation as it directly reflects our reputation. I want the people who work here to be proud of what they do and I’d like them to know that we strive to break barriers for things that haven’t been done here on the peninsula before.”
About Caffe Cocina
How did the idea of starting Caffe Cocina begin?
“Ha! My MOTHER. She approached me one day and told me she was thinking about buying a cafe, as it would be a fun retirement project. I largely disagreed and told her to reconsider. Long story short? Never question your mother. It’s been a major adventure and one I’m so happy I was able to experience.”
The Genesis
Tell us the story of how Caffe Cocina came to fruition.
“My awesome mom Sharon, who co-owns Caffe Cocina with me was a regular at this same cafe 12 years ago. She worked at Washington Mutual as a branch manager and was anticipating her retirement in the near future. I was currently working in the same industry and on my 6th year as a Small Business Specialist and Finance Banker at US Bank. She asked me to come take a look at this business that she was interested in as she just learned of its availability. Upon viewing the business I said absolutely not. In a less than joking manner I insisted that it would be too much work to get it where it needed to be in order to benefit financially. We struck up a plan that she would keep it running until she retired, she couldn’t pass up the opportunity because she loved it so much and didn’t want to see it fail. We quickly realized the state of the business and decided it needed far more care and attention than originally anticipated. I left my job and put 100% of my time into Caffe Cocina. I’m currently understanding that I could write a book on this HA! Would I do it again? Or change anything? No. Not one bit. I love my job. I literally got the change to make my dreams come true.”
The Drive
Tell us what/who drives you to keep working hard towards your goals.
“First, my family. FFA - ‘Family First Always’. There’s not a day that I wake up and don’t do this for them. Outside of the obvious? Legacy, for the sheer passion of creating something. I’ve clung to how cool it is to think about something, create it and make it real, and then make money at the same time? GREAT! Then there’s the respect for small business in itself. There’s a whole line of industry in small business that makes what we do so special. The talent, ambition, intelligence, and passion that goes into small business is mind-blowing. In some cases, these people are literally every corporate position rolled into one. Payroll, HR, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Marketing, Innovation, New Product Development, R&D. The list goes on and the mental strength that this industry demands in order to build and be successful is wild. Then there are the employees...the people who help us, the ones who dedicate a portion of their lives to helping us grow and deliver our passions to the world. To not push and strive for greatness is conceivably a waste of their time. There are so many things we as business owners have to keep our drive alive and even under the sometimes stifling weight of daily operations and hurdles, we fight to push on and keep delivering. I would love to be a line item in someone’s success story. ‘This guy changed my life - it was just a latte but it changed my life’.”
Love Kitsap
Tell us your fave local drink spot - coffee, tea, wine, tequila, whatever!
“There’s so many. Paella Bar, Silver City, Slippery Pig, Brass Kraken, The Loft, Western Red, Rainy Daze, Hound & Bottle, Caffe Corvo, Revive Coffee House, Storyville, Pegasus, Agate, Over The Moon.”
Tell us your fave local spot for a comfort meal - what do you always order?
“There’s never one. We are so lucky to have the cool hidden spots in Kitsap and they are just growing. BUT - The Loft- Seafood Chimi - this thing is outrageous. Paella Bar- The Cubano - few things can make the world stop turning, this sandwich made me question reality. Slippery Pig - Sunday Spaghetti Night - their sauce will take you back to your childhood. That scene in Ratatouille where the food critic dropped his fork and had a flashback. That’s this spaghetti. JO:A - Mango Roll.”
Live Kitsap
Out of town guests are coming for the weekend. What is the most important thing you share with them about Kitsap? Where do you absolutely have to take them?
“Outside of the obscene display of coffee I would force on them? Our beer game is riveting. It’s an absolute must, we have such a great community that welcomes innovative and creative brewing methods, and the variety is textbook. The PNW is so much more though, to really get my point across quickly I would hop a ferry because I’ve lived here for 30 years and I still can’t get over the beauty we’re surrounded by. NO BAD DAYS!”
Thrive in Kitsap
Where are your favorite place(s) to get outside. What do you do when you go?
“Banner Forest- HUGE and beautiful area. Jackson Park - BEST place to throw the ball for the pups. Kingston Skate Park - find your flow and cruise around a bit, it’s a really well designed park with epic flow. Green Mountain - awesome uphill hikes. Waterfalls on Chico- awesome and quick hike. NADD Park - we have a really cool disc golf community. Gold Mountain and White Horse for Golf. Blue Star Park - my hidden gem, I’m reluctant to name it as it has been my quiet place since I was a kid. You can’t beat the view.”
Photos by the insanely talented (and local) photographer Brittany Kelley @brittanykelleyphoto and provided by Caffe Cocina.
Sam Eitzen, the co-founder of SnapBar, is a truly inspiring story of grit and perseverance as he grew his company through the pandemic.